Beyblade Metal Saga
Metal Fight Beyblade, also known as Beyblade Metal Saga is the second generation of beys by Takara Tomy. They are known for their solid metal focueed build and iconic beys. It was featured in anime of same name that spanned for over 4 season with original run stating on 2008 and ending on 2012
Showing 73–108 of 143 results
Pirate Orochi 145D
₹1,499.00 INCL. GST -
Wind Sagittario 100SD
₹500.00 INCL. GST -
Shogun Steel Behemoth Golem Synchrome 2Pack
₹2,500.00 INCL. GST -
Samurai Ifrit W145CF
₹1,599.00 INCL. GST